Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolution

Let's see how long this will last.

1.) Be smart with my money
I tend to live paycheck to paycheck. Just enjoying life - living with no regrets. But I guess this is the "growing up" part - where I have to start saving some money cause I can't always call my parents for more money (which I did today) when I have a job of my own - which I work 35-40 hours a week.

2.) Do what I say I am going to do
I always know what to do - but it takes centuries for my ass to do it. I need to stop putting off things I can do right now til tomorrow. For instance - putting my utilities bill in the mailbox - totally had the time to do it today...but I instead stayed in bed with Starbucks in my hand and Netflix on my tv.

That's it.

I think that's enough for me.
I mean. If I do what I say I'm going to do - then that pretty much sums up everything.


I kind of want to travel too.
Go somewhere I have never been.
South America?
I really would like to volunteer abroad.
Oh yes!
I must transfer this year.
Oh gosh.
Now this is going to turn into a big wish list slash to do list.
Now I'm thinking about things I need to buy..
a new wallet, vaccuum cleaner, PC, etc..
Gee thanks.
New Year's Resolution.
Now I feel like crap and so much pressure..
Here comes 2011 and my huge to-do/to-buy and maybe if I have some time and money wish list.

Thursday, December 30, 2010



My future awesome daughter.

Neat Conversation

All Boys

'nuff said.


I wish that my boyfriend would do this for me.
Just because.
No special occassion.
*hint hint*
Yes. Yes you.
You know who you are.


My Drugs

My two drugs.
Actual drugs and Starbucks.

My drugs.
Naproxen AND Vicodin in there. Yeah. Double pain meds.
Aren't I too young to be overdosing on pain meds?
Meh, I guess I will be pro status at taking pills when I'm old and wrinkly.

I am mad.
Wherr the red cups gooooo?!?!
Starbucks coffee tastes better in holiday cups.

Oh. oh yeah.
I'm back.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Where have you been?

Where have I been?
First things first.
It's winter.
And I NEVER feel like doing any kind of shit during cold eras.
Ew. No thank you.
Finals next week.
Catching up with the procrastination.
Been busy with hospital appointments and government grants.
I hate dealing with the government.
They take days and sometimes months to reply.
Just cleaning up all the mess I have put aside a while back.

I blog not to entertain people.
I blog to get stuff off of my chest.
I blog to keep my memories on written words.
I blog to run away from real life.
I blog to relax.


I guess, thank you for reading? and keeping up with my non-exciting life!