Friday, April 29, 2011

Udon for Lunch!

Finally finished my thesis.
Now, for some udon.
Going to head back to my room.
Boil some noodle.
Throw it in 'dashi'
Slurp it up.
Run to work.
Order a cup of Grande Breve Misto
Put the green apron on.
Paste a smile on my face.
And work coffee-high for eight hours.
Dodging creepy customers here and there.
Daydream about Mr. Boyfriend here and there.
Do stuff here and there.
There and here and here and there and here and there and here.
I'm thinking about dinner already.
What to eat, what to eat.
Nom nom nomzies..
Yeah, I need to get out of this realm.

Tulip Festival Date

Can't wait!
Going to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival tomorrow.


Almost time for work.
And yes, we do get this from time to time.
I 'teabag' their drinks.


StumbledUpon it.
I actually "aww'ed"

Do It!


Little Rika

Once Again.
I present to you - Little Rika.
"Ugh, school..." attitude since K-4.
And I hated headbands.
I was furious that I had to wear one.
Plus, the whole blouse slash uniform dress.

Wub Wub Wub Mood

Oh, the beat.
The DUB beat.
"Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites"

Math Problems


I was thinking about playing some frisbee over at UW today.
Then I came across this picture on
I really want to throw some disks around.

"My Girlfriend is a Robot"

Reasons My Girlfriend is a Robot

Every relationship comes with a few surprises. As you get to know someone, quirks and nuances which were not immediately obvious naturally start to come to the surface. In the case of my girlfriend for example, I have discovered that she is, in fact, a robot. This came as quite a surprise to me, having sincerely intended to date only humans, and having never shown a preference for artificial beings in the past. For the purposes of posterity, I have documented the details of this peculiar case below.

Reasons my girlfriend is a robot:

- After careful observation I have concluded that she does not sleep.

- I walked into my room one day to find her diligently studying my robotics book.

- In the back of her neck she has what she claims is a “stud,” but what looks suspiciously like an electrical socket.

- She has computer hardware magazines scattered all over her room. She claims she has them because she is trying to “build a new computer,” but I fear she may be attempting to upgrade herself.

- I once detected a motor-like vibration coming from her abdominal area.

- When questioned, she did not seem concerned about identity theft. Perhaps because she has already stolen someone's identity in order to blend in with human society?

- She claims to be Japanese – a country known both for its advanced robotic technology and its enthusiasm for nightmarish creations.

- She sometimes speaks in a secret code language whose origin remains a mystery.

- She shows an unnatural interest in learning the details of all human affairs.

- She was strangely delighted upon seeing my clock switch to 11:11. A binary code which, from her lively reaction, I assume has activated her kill sequence.

Having established these particulars, I am uncertain how long I have to live. I apologize for the incompleteness and brevity of this document, given that an opportunity to record any further observations is unlikely. I wish future generations the best of luck as, if my suspicions are correct, we will all soon be under the calculated and absolute control of a terrifying robotic master race.

Written by: Mister Boyfriend. April 28, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Little Vader

This video still makes me awe.
I heart.

Love for Chemistry

Out of no where.
One, two, three hits.
Chemistry has been flooding into my life.
Tutoring a friend.
Following my Chem professor to a middle school down in Seattle this Thursday for a demo.
More Chem professor encounters.
Possibly landing a lab position for this summer.
If lucky, through fall as well.
Slowly but surely.
Moving towards what I love.
I wouldn't trade my life.

Just Me and My Coach

In the middle of no where.
Riding Iron Horses.

Another Rika Moment

Another picture.
Oh, dear me.
The non-conformist.
Lauren and I were the Captains of our tennis team
Everyone decided to wear cute pink colors to the tournament.
Of course, Licca here.
Doesn't like orders.
Nor do I like to cover myself in pink.
I went covered in Black.


So I was cruising through pictures.
I landed on this one.
That's me.
What I do best.
"Can I take a picture with you?"
"..Me? Haha, sure!"

Taking pictures with strangers.
I don't know who he is.

Mind Fuck

Glitch Mob

Couldn't help it.
I had to post a Glitch Mob video on here.
Ice Cream in my ears.

Now Playing

I usually listen to Glitch Mob when I study.
But today.
I'm in a feisty mood.
Rob Dougan it is.

Belle Pastry

Research class at 7:30 am.
Made a friend.
Forgot to ask what her name was though.
Aren't I just the smoothe operator.
She's taking the last of general chemistry.
Headed for O-chem in Fall.
Something about Chemistry students
That I get along with so well.

I got a lot done today.
Only doing so added more "To-Do's" on my list.

You're probably wondering what's up with the cakes up there.
I had a pleasant surprise this afternoon.
Friend of mine stopped by and brought some cake for the both of us.
It was delicious.
Perfect study break food item as well.

To finish my final task for the day.
Submitting my paper.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chicken Tikka Masala

Chicken Tikka Masala !
Since I don't have to work today and I don't have much going on besides studying
I decided to make some Chicken Tikka Masala from scratch.
I went to Whole Foods this morning and bought the whole store.
This thing has about 397520983 different spices in it.
Well, maybe I over exaggerated a little bit.
But I did have to go and buy a bunch.

I'm excited for Mr. Boyfriend to come home from sailing class.
I want to hear all about it.
And I want him to try my food.
While I wait for the chicken to marinade
and for Mr. Boyfriend to call
I am going to work on my research papers.

Friday, April 22, 2011

School Reality Check

Little Kids

Because it's 6 am.
I work at 9am.
What else is there to do?
Yes, indeed.
Tonight though.
For sure.
Will I be getting some sleep in.
I guess I have not been getting enough shut eyes this week
My eyes are really dry and sore
It's a weird feeling.
I'm looking forward for some much needed rest this weekend.
Whole entire day off on Sunday as well.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Amazing Professor

Blog Addict.

One more blog before I lose myself in this academic aura.
Short argument for my research paper.
I, then, have to attend a supervisor meeting.
Discuss matters over coffee.
Then work until 10pm.
Make sure the store operates well and leave the customers highly satisfied.

With all this said.
I want to trek back to a conversation I had last night.
Er, well I've been having this conversation with a couple of friends
My life and how I live it.
I graduated high school with an amazing resume.
I walked down the graduating aisle - back to my parents
Arms wrapped around trophies.
A trophy for graduating with honors
A trophy for Basketball and Volleyball championship
A trophy for being the Youth Congress representative of our school
Flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers, and more flowers.
And my diploma.
Done with high school.

Now, to achieve in college.
Party scene? Not in my head.
I was more excited about being independent.
Having my own place.
Cooking for myself.
Cleaning after myself.
Taking care of myself.
Making money for myself.
I was just so darn ready to depart my nest.
I was craving for adventure.
Little did I know...
That I was in for a wild ride.

I thought I was going to attend APU for four years and graduate with a business degree.
Being fluent in English and Japanese - hell I'll stumble into some big corporation in Japan.
Great income. Wealthy lifestyle.
Maybe, get married along the way and start a family
The end.

First year of college cruised by.
I joined the tennis team
Business classes were boring.
I played tennis before class, in between class, and after class until I got kicked off the courts by the janitor
Got a boyfriend.
I was just living day to day.
Nothing exciting.
Tennis, school, boyfriend - Repeat.
I tried to spice it up by getting a job.
Landed a well paying job.
English teacher.
Made bank.
Traveled around South Japan to challenge other universities.
Second year rolled around.
I was still doing the same old.
That's when I realized that..
This was just not me.
I broke up with my boyfriend.
I ditched business.
I packed my bags and I came out here alone.

Stumbled into couple different homes before I finally found a shed of my own.
Again, I joined the tennis team out here.
I needed some consistency.
Figured, tennis will help me keep my sanity when things got tough.
I enrolled in Bellevue College
While I slowly built my empire.
My network.
My community.
At first, I was a little hesistant.
I cared about what others had to say
That quickly disappeared.
I thought to myself - it will all be worth it in the end.
I'm going to finish up my prerequisites and transfer to UW in no time.
Back to back science classes.
Never ending.
Bio 101, Gen Chem I, Bio 241, Gen Chem II, Bio 242, Gen Chem III
Bio 243, O-Chem I, Bio 260, O-Chem II, Bio 261, O-Chem III
And then I get a letter from my advisor.
Notifying me that my credits from Japan will not transfer over.
All my classmates are graduating.
Here I am.
Having to take extra 2 years of general education to meet the standards out here.
My parents started to bug me.
"Rika, all your classmates graduated already. Some already have a real job.You are still working on your AA"
For a while.
I was hurt.
I thought lowly of myself.
I was once the shining star back home.
Now, I'm just a complete failure in life.
Negative thoughts started to flood my synapses.
I was so angry at myself.
Parents still going at it.
"If you were still in Japan, you'd be graduating this fall. Landing a job"
Well, thanks for the uplifting comments parentals!
But that's when I found my inner strength.
I sat down and thought about my life.
I took the leap of faith and walked away from a well known university in Japan.
I came to Bellevue with nothing.
With no one to rely on.
No one to depend on.
But that did not stop me.
I threw myself on everyone and everything.
I believed in myself that I can.
I made the tennis team out here. Won championship two years in a row.
I put myself out and applied for jobs.
I worked for the City of Bellevue as a tennis coach.
I got pay raises after pay raises.
Same with my other job.
I was always offered a position higher - to move up.
I volunteered over at UW Medical Center at the surgery pavillion.
I TA'd for Microbiology.
Helping out at the lab.
Whatever I wanted to do - I was able too.
I thought I did not have the brains for science since I come from a business oriented family
I never once failed a science class.
And according to my history that I filed in my cerebral cortex
I have yet to fail in life.
I've fallen down a couple times.
But I always got right back up.
I have friends all over the age range.
I play tennis with a group of 60-70 year olds on Saturdays.
I have lunch and share stories with teenagers.
I love and care for everyone and I respect each and every one of them.
I believe that no matter the age, people can always teach you something.
But with that said.
I'm working into UW's Microbiology department.
Volunteer over at UWMC again this summer.
Just concentrate on what I can do to make the world a better place
while I enjoy life <3
Straight out of high school, straight into college, graduating in 4 years.
Not a way of life for everyone.
We all have our own timeline.
Our stories.
Hell, I'm sitting next to an old lady to my left and a running start to my right.
As long as you know that you are happy and satisfied.
As long as you are giving it your all on whatever you are doing.
As long as you stay true to yourself
You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are and what you do.
At the same time, because you fit in the "norm" criteria, you shouldn't boast about it.
Live life to the fullest.
Face your fears.
Live with no regrets.

Yes, I graduated high school in '06
And yes, I'm still currently working on my AA.
But you know what,
If for some reason, I die today.
I will die with a smile on my face.
Because I'm blessed with a great family
Great support of friends
 And a man who cares about me as much as I care about him.
And I know that I will end up where I want to be.
I'm striving towards my goal.
And I believe in myself.

Life is beautiful <3

Sony NGP

Rumor is - it will be launched the end of this year.
I have the original PSP (Not the PSP-3000)
I love that thing to death.
But a new one is coming out?
Let's analyze it just a little.
The screen is a little fuller than the original one - plus.
It has no UMD drive.
Meaning, all my UMD games and movie discs will go to waste.
However, it has a flash drive instead.
I'm guessing all games will be purchased through PSN or downloaded via the drive.
It's missing the R2 and L2 button.
Instead added two joysticks on both sides.
Also, it's dual touch screen.
The front display - of course- is touch screen (they jumped on the touch screen bandwagon)
The back pad is also a touch screen.
In a way- revolutionary.
I don't know how the controls will be altered.
Of course, NGP also has a camera built-in on the front and back side
and the rest of the information
What I'm trying to say is.
I want this.
Next Generation Playstation

10 seconds later

I har har'd when I saw this picture.
I can just hear them.
"Hrm. I got a great idea. Let's just tie it up to the truck!"
-Ties it up-
"Awesome! Now, let's go"
10 seconds later

Computer 101


Point Not Seen

I'm a bit boggled.
Why would someone do this?
Who cares!
It's awesome!
If I went down to the park and saw a pyramid of picnic tables
I'd digg it!
I love it.
I love it because it's completely non sense and useless.

Grocery List

I love pen sketches the most.
Especially blue pen.
Pencil and paper.
Blue pen and napkin!

Google Earth

Mi Casa.

Hafa Adai! (Hello in Chamorro - native language back home)
That star - yep.
That be Saipan.

Gualo Rai is where I'm from.
Not the "city"
My "village"

Real upclose image of my hood.
I would usually edit this on paint and point out where.
Jeepers Creepers might be around.
I shall keep my homeland a secret!

Dear Teachers.

I hate when they mind fuck us.
I hate consecutive questions the most.
"Solve this problem"
"Now use the answer from question 1 and plug it into this equation"
"Use the answer from question one and two and come up with an even more brain damaging repeatable question answer bullshit for question three"
"Now calculate the percentage yield from your answer from question one and three"
"Let us thus fuck around more and keep going with this consecutive answer forum so if you miss the first question, you are fucked for the next 20 points"
-Love, your professor
CAPS LOCK RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Def Left

Definitely left sided.
Everything has to be logical.
I calculate the statistics.
I think in numbers.
I carry a hypothesis.
I then proceed to an experiment.
I keep a record of my data analysis.

And I thought..

I'm not the only one who feels like this I guess.
By the way.
That little arm on that space shuttle is called the Canadarm
And the doors that flap open - Payload Bay Door.
Or astronauts abbreviate it PBD

Portal 2

Launched Yesterday.

Valve has announced that the PlayStation 3 version of Portal 2 will feature Steam functionality. This is the first time Steam has ever appeared on a console, and this will also be the first time that PlayStation 3 gamers will be able to play with PC or Mac gamers. Along with cross-platform multiplayer, we can expect persistent cloud-based storage for PS3 save games and cross-platform chat. (To clarify, "cross-platform" in this context means PS3-PC/Mac, not PS3-360.)
On top of that, anyone who buys Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 will be able to unlock a Steam Play copy of Portal 2 for the PC and Mac for free by linking their PSN and Steam accounts. Portal 2 project lead Josh Weier explains that Valve has designed the cross-platform experience to be hassle-free: "PS3 gamers will be able to simply drop the Blu-ray disc in the PS3, link to their Steam account from inside the game, and all their Steam friends (on PC and Mac) will be visible and accessible for chat and game invites."
Back at E3 2010, Gabe Newell promised that the PlayStation 3 version would be the best console version, and now we know what exactly he meant. Newell went on to say, along with today's announcement, that Valve hopes "to expand upon the foundation being laid in Portal 2 with more Steam features and functionality in DLC and future content releases." -