Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

Me and Cameron making some ice cream with liquid nitrogen
Liquid Nitrogen boils at 77K (which is about...-196C) which causes rapid freezing
(almost like a frostbite)

So this picture made me feel good when I used wikipedia to get the boiling point
there was a little picture box on the side with a caption which read 
"Liquid Nitrogen may be used to prepare homemade ice cream, as these MIT students are doing"
I guess Bellevue College is less than or equal to MIT.

We accidentally dumped the WHOLE bag of sugar in there so...
it was wayyyyyy to sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rika,

    This is Khushbu Merchant. I am a student of chemistry & I am studying Liquid Nitrogen as part of thesis of my final year assignment, wherein I am understanding:
    1. Role of liquid nitrogen usage in refrigeration
    2. Role of liquid nitrogen in food industry

    While browsing internet I have come across the concept of making instant ice-cream with liquid nitrogen & also, I have learnt that you have done an experiment of making ice-cream using liquid nitrogen. (http://liccamoto.blogspot.in/2010/11/me-and-cameron-making-some-ice-cream.html)

    So, I am trying to understand:

    1. Advantages & disadvantages of liquid nitrogen in making ice cream
    2. Hazards of liquid nitrogen ice cream consumption on human

    I would be great full if you could help me out with the above information.

    I look forward for your positive response.

    Khushbu Merchant
