Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 01- A recent picture of you & 15 interesting facts about yourself

  1. I am flat footed. 
  2. I hate cilantro.
  3. I split my head open when I was in 8th grade cause a pole fell on my head.
  4. I'm a fourth English, hence the Warrington. 
  5. I hate repeating myself. Zero tolerance.
  6. I have two German Shepherd mutts back home that I miss.
  7. I can wiggle my ears and do the weird eyebrow thing that The Rock does.
  8. I can't stand dirty nails, especially toe nails. Even if you are a boy.
  9. I was raised by a filipina lady. 
  10. I have two ankles on my right foot and extra large scapula that look like wings when I pop 'em out.
  11. I also have a very crooked right arm due to my double joints. 
  12. I'm a daddy's girl. 
  13. I have an insane love for bananas, mangoes, pineapples, and raspberries. But I'm not a fan of strawberries.
  14. I like mornings more than nights. Early morning dates - key to my <3
  15. I have mad love for whipped cream. I  put it on everything!

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